Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy B'day Dear Sis!!!

Dedicated to my sweetest sis on her b'day
Yea, time and distance does keep us away
When I see the light, you are done with the day
but that doesn't hold me back to say
that my wishes for you are eternal in the challenges on your way.

Your smile, your twitter
Your persona and the way you set the room a glitter
all speaks of your charm
and your finesse to pep up another with your love and warm.

Needless to say, I am in awe of your talents
the way you strike the right balance
Your tenderly care for us brothers
and your irreplicable calm to tide the rough weathers.

We owe Him a lot
for you - the bundle of joy we've got
and before you think i forgot :P
i wish you in a very big way
A rocking, smashing Happy B'day :)))