Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Young Beautiful INDIA

I grew up here in thy arms
Wooed by your grace and charm
Times I’ve bitten the dust
Yet you embraced me with your irreplicable calm

On thy lap I have played, wallowed
Roughed it out
Fallen, smirked at and disciplined
I owe a lot to thee for transforming me

The smell of thou earth,
The clear blue sky
The refreshing air
All have kept me alive and kicking

Thou art so diverse, deep and intricate
Yet so happy and joyful
A billion smiles emanate from thee
All for a future so hopeful

And now as you charge on
To transcend from a mere existence
To a force to be reckoned with
The world stands in awe of you
Looking forward to its sustenance

O my young beautiful India
There aint any haven as
Serene and refreshing
For the world may have comfort
but replete with emptiness
Thou have the heart and soul of a child
Always learning and yearning to bloom from the wild!!!


SiD said...

Seeing another dandimension of the CEO... great one dude!!
good day to start blogging..
keep going!!

Unknown said...

Rgtly said...
Best one from dandy times..
Keep t upppp

Rahul said...

Great! Loved it.

Long live our India, not the word or the country, but the soul of the country for which our elders sacrificed themselves... the spirit of India...

Hex said...

Way to go, Dandi!

bold strokes with generous dollops of passion!