Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Oriyan Plight

This poem is written in the wake of the atrocities being committed on the innocent missionaries in Orissa during the past few days.

The fanatics, the bandits
All in cahoot
Depriving the Oriyans of dignity
And destroying the peace pursuit.

The terror, the torture
The annihilation of homes
The burning of missionaries
And the widespread gloom.

The rape, the murder
The harboring of hatred for one another;
And the rise of the maverick brother
Who proves to be the only succor.

The helplessness of khakis
The impotency of the system
The innocuousness of the elected khadis
And the fading wisdom.

Where is the secularity?
Where is the law and order?
Why breed contempt and polarity?
When one skin aint different from the other.

Wake up you sleeping Dal,
Wake up you aam aadmi,
Enkindle once again in you the human fire,
And build a vigilant citizen army.

Why should a few wandered minds
Dominate our lives,
Weaken the Indian cord by which we bind
And spread animosity and strife.

An appeal to the soul – Indianess
To come together,
wipe out this mental illness
And stand up for the other.

Nowhere on the globe
Can such diversity unite
But only in my sweet India-
The world’s eternal bride.

So let’s stand up and be counted
And show them who we are
For when the masses rise in unison
Peace aint very far.


Unknown said...

another fab piece sympathies and prayers for the afflicted....

Sanchit421 said...

gud thoughts... but u can work more on the sentences... it seems u r trying to put words together to complete a sentence...forget the words, go with the rhythm and emotion... words wud flow themselves

Ankit said...

I know whatever going on thr is all full of crap , but the agony is that their is so much lack of coverage by the media . The state govt and the central govt. is doin nothing to save those poor souls .

2008 is looking like a very long year Man . I'm waiting for Jan .